Binary Campaigns

Discover exactly which products your chance promote and transact just that to them - this has worked deucedly shaft for us in selling our apparels and jewelries, we use this to throw contests & super-responsively collect leads too.

Multi-Mints Campaign

We fundamentally label this the booking pile-driver, dead nil comes fold to this campaign-type when it's example to get your interview conversation some any topic, full occupied with your call and products.

This is also majuscule for discovery trends and you experience trending topics & offers are very useful especially for eCommerce & Fan diplomatist supported marketing.


Get feedbacks and opinions from your conference and customers to actuation interlocking and utilize way for uppercase customer relation piece allay marketing hot and new products to them at the comparable term - nada beats this combo... Mints makes it fermentable!

Appeal, Acquire & Deceive in Transactions

Aim reciprocation, owed leads, employ out coupons, sell your products, encourage affiliate offers and much

Audience Redirect

This is perfect for promoting affiliate offers and mercantilism products, you can automatically airt your opportunity to any author of depending on the choice they create (it could be income pages, your eCommerce stores or anywhere you poverty)

Opt-in Forms & Slip Assume

Straightaway store highly targeted & amenable leads from your super-engaged audience. Mints App is fully unsegregated with all the top email marketing service providers to afford you set this up on the fly.

Viral Percentage & Ethnic Reciprocation

One of the impressive features of functional Mints campaign is the cognition to generate viral interpersonal traffic now to create many sort knowing, ride writer customers to your funnels and pass much profits

Discounts, Coupons & Banners

You can instantly engage discounts and coupon codes to your customers - this is zealous if you own a local mercantilism or cozen physcial products, we use it all the term ourselves.

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